York University: Schulich School of Business – $150 application fee waived

Ranked #1 in Canada by The Economist, Forbes, CNN Expansion & Corporate Knights, Schulich is Canada’s preeminent business school.
Golden Key members are eligible to receive an application fee waiver of $150.00 for the Masters Programs below! To request your fee waiver please begin your application online and email us at admissions@schulich.yorku.ca prior to submitting. Fee waivers must be requested prior to application submission. Mention in the email that you are a Golden Key member. Please allow 24-48 hours for the request to be processed.
Here are the links to the various programs offered:
Master of Management in Artificial Intelligence(MMAI)
Master of Marketing (MMKG)
Master of Real Estate & Infrastructure (MREI)
Master of Supply Chain Management (MSCM)
Master of Management (MMgt)
Master of Business Analytics (MBAN)
Master of Finance (MF)
Master of Accounting (MAcc)
NEED HELP? – For any help applying for this program, contact us.