What is NAP Advanced+
NAP™ is an abbreviation for the Neuro Agility Profile™ assessment. The Advanced+ is the most comprehensive, multi-dimensional brain profile assessment of its kind. It measures 13 elements that influence the ease, speed & flexibility with which you learn, think & process information. The purpose of the NAP™ Advanced+ is to identify your unique potential & optimize your mental flexibility, brain fitness & brain health
What is the Brain Agility Booster Program
BRAIN AGILITY BOOSTER PROGRAM is an online brain performance optimization program. The purpose of this program is to assess the ease, speed and flexibility with which you learn, think and process information. It provides practical brain-based solutions to optimize your brain performance, promote mental wellness, increase engagement and reduce your potential risk for human error. This program starts with completing the NAP™ Advanced+ brain profile assessment to identify your neurological design (potential) and determine in which areas you can improve your brain performance. Subsequently you will learn solutions to address and optimize the areas that will help you improve your brain fitness and mental flexibility.
What is the GKSA Offering
GKSA Members get both the NAP Advanced+ and Brain Agility Program valued at R6300 for only R299.