Golden Key Strive Project Go to Chapter
The Strive Project aims to inform leaners that are currently in high school about endless opportunities they have after matric. Strive Project is a Service Director Project where UWC GK Chapter is collaborating with UCT GK chapter and Stellenbosch GK Chapter to provide learners with all the faculty information they need when applying for courses within these specified higher education institutes. Provide support and guidance through sharing personal experiences to assist them in making informed decisions. The event also focuses on providing learners with Gap year information for those who wish to take one and what they can do upon taking gap years. Lastly, the event will also provide learners with employment opportunities available for them.
Virtual Event , South Africa
Apr, 26 2021 08:00 AM
May, 03 2021 08:00 PM
Contact Information
Anele Buso (UWC Service Director) -
Bontle Mathabi (UCT Service Director) -