The University of Miami Golden Key chapter is the next Key Chapter recipient that we would like to spotlight this month. During the 2012-2013 academic year, they demonstrated commitment to excellence, as well as character by supporting a fellow chapter.
Earlier this spring, Miami Dade College, a university nearby the University of Miami, held their first New Member Recognition Event and requested the help of their neighbors. The University of Miami chapter arranged for a representative of their chapter to attend Miami Dade College’s New Member Recognition Event to speak about Golden Key and what can be achieved by individual chapters. He also spoke of his experiences as a newly inducted member and how a chapter can successfully develop and grow.
The University of Miami chapter is a strong advocate of cancer awareness- many members have loved ones who have been afflicted by some form of the disease.
For the past three years, they held their own 5k race which has raised a total of over $20,000 to go towards cancer awareness. During the 2012-2013 year, the chapter partnered with over forty campus organizations for the university’s Relay for Life. They set up a tent and sold popcorn to raise money, and they used the venue as an opportunity to highlight to other people and organizations what Golden Key stands for as well as the mission statement. Several honorary and alumni members stopped by to show their support for the chapter, too. The event was a huge success in that they raised money and awareness for cancer, as well as raising awareness of the University of Miami Golden Key chapter.
Congratulations to the University of Miami chapter for your success during the 2012-2013 academic year, and we wish you the best this upcoming school year!