2025 Golden Key Society leadership elections.

Golden Key has a number of councils made up of volunteer leaders who help the Society thrive. The International Leadership Council, the International Council of Advisors, and the International Council of Student Leaders are important parts of the Society leadership. These councils help shape Golden Key around the world and the council members represent the students, alumni, and advisors in their regions.

Applications for the current elections are due by March 31, 2025.

Please check that you are applying for the correct positions as there are a number of roles with similar sounding titles.

Positions open for applications:

International Council of Student Leaders   (multiple positions and one year terms) 

This council is made up of student leaders from around the world who meet throughout the year. These students are a voice for their regions. You must either be a current chapter officer or have served as one in the past.

You can read more about the position here:  ICSL Position Description

To apply for one of these position, please complete this online form:  ICSL Application

International Council Of Advisors  (multiple positions and three year terms)

This council is made up of chapter advisors from around the world who meet throughout the year. These advisors are a voice for their regions.

You can read more about the position here:  ICoA Position Description

To apply for one of these position, please complete this online form:  ICoA Application

International Leadership Council Student Member   (one position and a one year term)

This role represents the student voice on the ILC and Golden Key’s board of directors. This role also serves as the chair of the International Council of Student Leaders.

You can read more about the position here:  ILC Student Member Position Description

To apply for this position, please complete this online form:  ILC Student Member Application

International Leadership Council Secretary   (one position and a three year term)

This role is a member of the ILC and helps advise Golden Key staff and the board of directors.

You can read more about the position here:  ILC Secretary Position Description

To apply for one of these position, please complete this online form:  ILC Secretary Application

International Leadership Council Alumni Member  (one position and a three year term)

This role is a voice for Golden Key’s alumni members. The position is part of the ILC and helps advise Golden Key staff and the board of directors.

You can read more about the position here:  ILC Alumni Member Position Description

To apply for one of these position, please complete this online form:  ILC Alumni Member Application